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What Hot Springs is Talking About Today


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See Updated on the Discussion page for disgusting facts city hall


News: See the "News" page - click at left

  City Manager violates FOIA again? Downtown Corruption, A&P's Field of Nightmares (Commentary), Obamacare, City board fires at developers, 2012 Election Analysis, Impartial(?) City Committees, Health Violations, Media notTruthful, Good Ol' Boy's Plot, Fire Chief's "Train Wreck, "Hot Springs History," City Employees Ripped Off on "Commentary" Page 

More Info?  See "Discussions" and "News" Sections

    You just have to see these women taking Joe Biden’s advice on buying a shotgun - click below 



Top-scoring "CRACKPOT" quote: "Tax corporations until they bring the jobs home" - Ron Swanson, Jr., Sentinel Record, July 11, 2011

Could it be, that is why those jobs left, Ron?


Honorable mention winner. Judy Ladd said,

"...the majority of us have no say in what we earn or receive for our labor."  Sounds like slavery, Judy.


Outrageous Quote of the Year (2012):

" example where socialism works. How about Bismark, Ark.? The Central Arkansas Telephone Cooperative.." - Steven Orr Manning


Outrageous (and Pompous) Quote of the Year (2011):

"I'm an Executive" - Pat McCabe

City Agenda Meeting - June 14, 2011


Outrageous Quote of the Year (2010):

"Continue the Progress, Re-elect Mike Bush"

Bush for Mayor - Campaign Ads, Signs


Outrageous Quote of the Year (2009): (Don't mess with King Arrison)

"We feel very confident that we will win before the trademark board. If we should lose that, we will continue to use the logo..." Steve Arrison

Sentinel Record - Friday September 4, 2009


Outrageous Quote of the Decade:

"I'd work for the devil himself, as long as he paid me on Friday and the check was good." Carroll Weatherford

See this quote and full article in the Arkansas Times by CLICKING HERE



The reason politicians try so hard to get re-elected is that they would 'hate' to have to make a living under the laws they've passed.

A fine is a tax for doing wrong.  A tax is a fine for doing well.

Let us know what you think - read the "Commentary Section" and give us your comments

What is "Going On" in the Hot Springs Area?

Click Photo at Left for an Important Message from Thomas Paine

We know some of what is going on in Hot Springs and you know some of of what is going on.  Together we can have a complete listing!  So tell us what you know and we'll publish it right here.  This website belongs to YOU, the citizens of the Hot Springs area.

Nothing you want to talk about is "off limits" but if we consider it as untrue, damaging or obscene, we do  reserve the right to edit or not publish it.  Don't worry because to date, it had to be really "off-the-wall" before we have not published anything.

  The "News" Page is Now Available - Click Here 

Please note that this site is constantly under construction.  Send your info and comments to us at and we will post it as soon as possible.  The format and content is similar to that used on the http://www.HotSpringsTalk/Hot_Springs_Metro_org/ website.  That site will continue to exist but more as an archive of information relative to the Hot Springs Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). It is because of your participation that we are now providing you with your own website for whatever you want to talk about.  Heck, that's why we named it HOT SPRINGS TALK.

  • This is the home page and you can go to the following pages for other information.
    • Discussions page - This page is where your letters, both e-mails and snail mails will be published.
    • Commentary page - This is where our editors and guest editors will have their thoughts published.
    • News page - This is where relevant news of the area will be posted.  For older items, see
    • Links page - This page will provide links to other sites similar to ours and to relevant government sites.
    • Contacts page - This page provides for your e-mails and our contact information.
    • Other pages?  Let us know what you would like to see.  After all. it is YOUR site.
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