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Crackpot Cup Contest

Send your entry to us at or fill out form below

March 2012 entry: Steven Orr Manning

" example where socialism works. How about Bismark, Ark.? The Central Arkansas Telephone Cooperative.."

Wow! Betcha the Coop is proud of that pronouncement

The 2011 "Crackpot" is Ron Swanson, Jr. whose letter to the Sentinel Record included the recommendation:

"Tax corporations until they bring the jobs home"

Apparently no one told Ron that tax is the primary reason jobs are leaving our county

2011 Runners-up were Mike Nunn and Harry Cloud


The “Crackpot Cup” Award will be awarded to the author of the "Dumbest Letter"  to the Editor  every month and

a $100 Cash Prize will be awarded to the Contest Participant who picks the most “Dumbest Letter of the Month” awards during the year

HOT SPRINGS TALK is pleased to announce a new and exciting contest for its readers and contributors.  The contest will be to pick the dumbest “Letter to the Editor” in the Hot Springs Sentinel-Record during every month, starting immediately. There will be a $100 cash prize at year-end for the person who picks the most “dumbest letter of the month” awards.  Here are the contest rules.

TO NOMINATE A LETTER* to be the dumbest letter of the month, you must send us your name, e-mail address, and phone number, and tell us (1) the date the letter was published in the Sentinel-Record, (2) the name of the author of the letter, (3) the title or topic of the letter, and (4) your opinion in 50 words or less what makes it the dumbest “Letter to the Editor” for the month.  Your NOMINATION must be received by us within two (2) days of its publication in the newspaper.  For example, your nomination of a letter published in the newspaper dated the 5th of the month must be received by us no later than 11:59:59 PM local time on the 7th of the month.  You may make more than one nomination per month.  All nominations will be published on this website, excepting only those which the Editor, in his sole discretion, elects to not publish.  (*Note: A “Letter to the Editor” is defined to include an editorial column as well as an “in my opinion” column.)

THE DETERMINATION of the dumbest letter of the month will be made by the contest committee from the nominations timely submitted, and announced on our website the following month.  In case more than one person nominates the letter determined to be the dumbest letter for the month, the person best stating why the letter is so dumb, as determined in the sole discretion of the contest committee, will be deemed the winning picker for that month.

THE CRACKPOT CUP will be awarded to the author of the dumbest letter for the month and recognized on our web site as the winner of the “Crackpot Cup” award for that month.  The Crackpot Cup, of course, is an imaginary award carrying no prize or value whatsoever, and indicates only that the winner of the “Crackpot Cup” is recognized by us as the author of the month’s dumbest “Letter to the Editor” in the Sentinel-Record.  Any author is eligible to win and we will be completely impartial.

A CASH PRIZE of $100 will be awarded at year end to the contest participant having picked the greatest number of dumbest letter of the month awards for the calendar year.  The cash prize winner will be announced on or about January 15.  In the case of a tie, the $100 cash prize will be divided equally among the winners.

THE CONTEST MAY BE TERMINATED at any time and upon any terms in the sole discretion of the Editor.

Form items below are not yet working - For now, just send your nominees by e-mail to the address above.


In which media did your nominee appear?

Sentinel Record "Letter to the Editor"
Sentinel Record Editorial
Sentinel Record "In My Opinion"

Date of publication:




What Qualifies your nominee for the Crackpot award? (50 words or less)

Tell us how to get in touch with you:



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